Trip Facts

  • Total Duration 21 Days
  • Transportation Flight/Jeep
  • Trip Grade Challenging
  • Max Altitude 4900m.
  • Start From Kathmandu/Tumlingtar
  • End From Kathmandu
  • Meals Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Accommodation Tea houses/Camping

Best Season: April, May, September, October (best in terms of view), November

USD $ 2300 USD $ 2050 Per Person Ask for Group Discount
  • Best Price Gurantee
  • Hassle-Free Booking

Makalu Base Camp Trek and Shiva Dhara

The Makalu Base Camp (MBC) and Shiva Dhara Trek are the most beautiful and challenging trek that takes you to the mighty Makalu (8481 m). The trek is less travelled but offers a spectacular view of the world’s highest mountains (Mt. Everest, and Mt. Makalu). This is the most beautiful and exciting of all trekking routes in Nepal. The MBC and Shiva Dhara trek are two separate trekking, but when combined provide an unforgettable experience.

The Makalu Base Camp Trek is a beautiful experience that will never get old because of its breathtaking landscape, pretty villages, and stunning peaks. This trek starts from the beautiful village of Tumlingtar and progressively leads to the base of the majestic Makalu. The journey leaves the soggy lowlands and travels across diverse ecosystems and cultures from the lower-lying Rai community to the higher-lying Sherpa community. It is longer, more challenging, and more intense trekking but extremely rewarding at the same time. The Makalu Base Camp trek is ideal for those who want to avoid the mainstream and congested trekking routes and desire an authentic experience in the Himalayan region.

When you eventually arrive at Base Camp, Mount Makalu completely dominates with its majestic presence. The final few hours to Base Camp is unquestionably one of the best and most scenically spectacular walk-ins anywhere in the world. The tallest peaks in the Himalayas, including Everest (8,848.48 meters), Lhotse (8,516 meters), Chamlang (7,319 meters), and Baruntse (7,129 meters), can all be seen from a vista above base camp.


Major Highlights of Makalu Base Camp

  • Exploring Makalu Barun National Park known as Jewell of East Nepal.
  • Stay with local tribes including Gurung, Rai and Sherpa cultures.
  • On the trail, observe the mighty Mt. Everest and Kanchenjunga mountain Range
  • Spot some of the rarest wildlife in Nepal, including the Red Panda and Snow Leopards.
  • Walk among green terraced farmland to glaciers, High altitude lakes and multiple waterfalls.
  • Take a chance to visit the most important and holy place called Shivadhara.
  • Observe a huge Glacier in Makalu Base Camp from where the mighty Arun River starts.


Trip Itinerary

Your ultimate adventure starts with your landing in Kathmandu valley surrounded by beautiful green hills and alluring Mountain views.  You will be welcomed by our representative at the airport gate. Following that, you will be transferred to the respective hotel nearby to rest and refresh in order to avoid Jet lag. Today you can just explore nearby areas.


Staying a night prior to start is essential. We recommend you explore and get acclimated before starting a trek if you are coming from sea level. While flights to Lukla are difficult to catch, we will book your ticket as soon as possible. You will enjoy the beauty of historical monuments, along with Hindu and Buddhist temples and pilgrimage sites. Kathmandu is home to seven UNESCO world heritage sites worth visiting and experiencing. You would enjoy many choices of restaurants and meals providing both local and western foods. You can imagine the types of cuisine they offer. You can get your trekking gear from a shop nearby if you need anything for your trek.  This evening, our representative will give you a briefing about the trek and address your queries in the best possible way.

Are you ready for the adventure? Let’s go!

Early morning you will be picked up from the hotel by our representative with a guide for your trek. You will enjoy your exciting flight from Kathmandu to Tumlingtar. You will enjoy the aerial view of the mountains along with a glimpse of the mighty Everest from your window. As soon as you land at Tumlingtar Airport, you will have short rest and breakfast before driving to Num, which will be around 4-5 hrs. Today you will spend the night in a beautiful hotel.

Flight time: 1 hr. & drive (4-5hrs)

Accommodation: Hotel

Today, you will descend steep, terraced slopes all the way down to the Arun River via Changlakharka. You will travel through the first leg of today's trek into the wood and slippery sections before crossing the Arun River over a suspension bridge. Your ascent starts when you pass over this spectacular glacial river. After an hour of trek, you will arrive at Lulungma village followed by trekking along the winding trails for two hours will eventually lead you to the beautiful village of Seduwa. This village offers a stunning view of cascading hills covered in verdant, dense trees. Continue to sleep in Seduwa. 

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

Trekking distance: 3-4 km

Accommodation: Hotel

Before leaving behind Seduwa village, you need to show your permits at the entry post in the village. Today’s trek will be wonderful, unlike yesterday’s strenuous ascents and descents. You will go up a trail with lots of stone steps and past several mani (Sculptured) walls. Along the way, you will pass through cardamom fields, bamboo forests and other small farms scattered throughout the slope. Today’s trek will be definitely interesting and uneven. After one and half hours, you will arrive at a small village named Chaksya Danda. You can see Tashigaon from this point, although it takes longer than you may expect to get there as you follow an uneven path. You eventually make your way down to a log bridge just before making the final ascent of stone steps to Tashigaon. To earn your dal bhat, you must climb through the hamlet since the lodges are all positioned on the top.  

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

Trekking distance: 6-7 km

Accommodation: Hotel

Early morning, you will leave Tashigaon with full of excitement and energy. The trail onward is tough and steep with stone steps on the way. You will cross a log bridge and keep climbing through a breathtaking rhododendron forest. You can see Tashigaon far below you as you turn around. You will arrive at Dandakharka (a small tea house with an overnight stay facility), after trekking around three hours. Since this is your only opportunity to stop for refreshments until reaching Khongma, you probably have your lunch there. After leaving Dandakharka, it takes about three to four hours to reach Khongma Danda. At Khongma, there are 4-5 lodges for overnight stays.

Trekking time: 6-7 hours

Trekking distance: 6-7 km

Accommodation: Guest House/Hotel

Acclimatization is indeed an additional day to expose your body to a new height. However, you will spend the night back in the same place. This is done to help your body adjust and avoid altitude sickness along the journey. Early morning, you will enjoy the sunrise from the point few minutes of walk from your hotel on the eastern slope. Mt. Kanchanjunga (3rd highest) can be seen from this point. Today, we will hike up to Khongma viewpoint to enjoy the beautiful view of Mt. Makalu. We will acclimate, relax, and enjoy the view from the top; this will help as we progress to higher and higher altitudes. We will have tea and breakfast at the viewpoint from where you will enjoy the view of stunning mountains. After a few hours of rest, we will get back to Khongma Danda for the lunch. Now, you have a half-day to explore and enjoy your time.


Trekking time: 4-5 hours

Trekking distance: 2.5-3 miles (4-5 km)

Accommodation: Guest House/Hotel

Today, you are going to pass four passes, together with slopy ridge stretches that will provide a stunning view of snowcapped peaks. If you’re going on a trek in April, be prepared for snow. Make sure you have plenty of snacks and water with you because it’s going to be a long, and difficult day. There is only one lone tea house on the Shipton La pass, and it’s likely that you won’t have lunch until you reach Dobate. 

Your first pass will be Khongma La (3890m). Before beginning your ascent toward the second pass, you briefly drop. As you move across an open slope, you can see Kangchenjunga. Sano Pokhari Danda, at 4,105 meters, is reached by several difficult stone steps, with Sano Pokhari Lake below. It takes around an hour to get here from the Khongma La, though it can take longer if you have to navigate through snow. You reach the highest pass, the Shipton La, at 4,200m after a more craggy trail. Although not difficult, the way to the Shiptang la is rather steep. Now the path is less difficult until Thulo Pokhari (4080m). During the Janai Purnima Festival, Hindu pilgrims go there and decorate it with prayer flags. 

From the lake, the ascent to the Keke La pass (4170m) is simpler. After 45 minutes of descent, you arrive at your lodging in Dobate, which is a very nice sight after your four pass labors! This area has a decent, spotless lodge with warm and inviting people. You'll get a special treat as payment for your efforts today with the dal bhat.

Trekking time: 7-8 hours

Trekking distance: 

Accommodation: Hotel

This morning, you will have to descend through the rhododendron and pine forest. Through the woodland, there is a vertical slope that can be treacherous if snow is still there. When you finally get to the river, you start walking along a trail that runs beneath a sizable landslide region. On the way this morning, you catch glimpses of Chanlang and Tutse. You arrive at the tea shop at Phemathang, 3,500m, after a quick rise. From Dobate, it takes about four hours to get here. Just before you get to Phemathang, there is a stunning waterfall. After a short distance of walking, you come to a wooden bridge that crosses the Baron Khola. The river is now on your left as the trail undulates. In several locations around Yangle Kharka, there has been a significant amount of labor put into creating a stony road. From the tea shop in Phemathang, it takes around 1.5 hours to get to the meadows of Yangle Kharka and your lodging for the night. It's a wild, inaccessible, windswept place.

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

Trekking distance: 3 miles (5 km)

Accommodation: Hotel

From your hotel, you walk down to the river and a tiny monastery. It's a beautiful, flat beginning, with the river on your left and the alluring aroma of juniper accompanying you as you move. Along the trail, you encounter numerous colorful prayer flags. It's a very beautiful day, with craggy snow-covered mountains, sheer cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and religious caves serving as a visual feast. As you reach Neha Kharka, you can see the way to Shiva Dhara on your left. Before moving higher, you can have a hot cup of tea in Merek. Take it slow and steady at this point since you'll undoubtedly feel the altitude as you climb toward Yangmale. From Merek, it takes about two hours to go to your tea house in Yangmale. Beautiful peaks in the background will welcome you to this location. A prayer flag-covered mani wall is located just in front of the line of rooms. 

Trekking time: 4-5 hours

Trekking distance: 2.3 miles (3.7 km)

Accommodation: Guesthouse

Today, your acclimatization alternatives are limited. However, there is a good hill and viewpoint next to your hotel, and you can continue walking as far as your guide recommends.  

Trekking time: 7-8 hours

Trekking distance: 5 miles (8 km)

Accommodation: Teahouse

You're on a nice trail as you start your ascent but move slowly because the climbing feels difficult at this height. While winding your way around the valley, keep the river on your left. Each bend will present you with a different striking feature to take in. Your most of the journey today will be on a good, sandy trail. Although the track softly undulates and there are just a few steeper sections on the way. After a few hours of walking, you arrive at Shershong, a big, flat region with a locked tiny stone house at 4,630 meters. It is a decent camping location. Mighty Makalu eventually glimpses tantalizingly into view. You look up in awe at its imposing face with its icefalls, crevasses, jagged edges, and seracs. You start to wonder when the base camp will become visible as you navigate a few bends. Eventually, the lodges and a cluster of tents that serve as the base camp will come into view. Your long-awaited goal is reached in five minutes after you descend and cross the river. Makalu, the fifth-highest peak in the world, absolutely dominates the scene, as one might anticipate.

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

Trekking distance: (7-8 km)

Accommodation: Teahouse/Hotel

You can see the mighty Makalu soaring high above the cloud. Climbing to the ridge, located about 5,300 meters above the base camp, is one alternative available today that guarantees the most breathtaking panoramic vistas. You use the log bridge to cross the river, then spend roughly three hours ascending on a hazy, uncertain road. You can see the colourful tents from different expedition groups preparing for the Makalu expedition. You can see the stunning view of Nuptse, Lhotse and Everest from this viewpoint. After a few hours of hiking, return the same way you came to base camp. It should take about 4-5 hours to travel round trip. It's a demanding task because it's steep and the altitude will hit you hard at that place. Additionally, just above base camp, you can do a much shorter ridge climb to see the clear image of Makalu and its reflection on the Dudh Pokhari lake. You can ask your guide for alternate options as well.


                                                                Enjoy! Feel! Shout! Laugh! Roar!

Trekking time: 4-5 hours

Trekking distance: (3-4 km)

Accommodation: Hotel/Guest House

You reluctantly depart leaving behind the amazing beauty of Makalu and start walking back to Yangle Kharka. After one and a half hours, you can reach Shershong. You return to Yangmale after another hour or so, where you could have lunch or tea. You reach Merek's tea store next after about one hour of downhill walking. Before navigating your way back through pine forests to Yangle Kharka, it is a good idea to relax with a cup of tea. From the tea store in Merek, it takes about two and a half hours to get here. 

Trekking time: 7-8 hours

Trekking distance: 7.5 miles (12 km)

Accommodation: Guest House

Start your walk early in the morning, and make sure you have adequate food and water. With the assistance of your guide, carefully ascend past Nghe Kharka (3710m) to Shiva Dhara (4310m). Take a soak in the holy spring that cascades from a tall cliff. Visit Ama Bhujung, Parbati Gupha, and other locations. Take in the sights before returning to Yangle Kharka (3557 m) (6-8 hours trekking) Stay the night at the same Yangle Kharka teahouse.

Trekking time: 6-7 hours

Trekking distance: (8-10 km)

Accommodation: Teahouse

The path down to the tea shop at Phemathang is a really nice, slow meander that follows the river, and as you get closer, you pass a lot of rhododendron bushes. Just before Phemathang, there is a wooden bridge that must be crossed. To get here will take about one and a half hours. You will eventually need to cross a landslide area, which takes about 1.5 hours. There are some narrow passageways here, so go with caution. You begin climbing rapidly into the rhododendron forest after a short stretch of undulation. As you near the lodge at Dobate, the ascent gradually eases and the walking gets easier. Make sure you pack snacks and water since there are no more rest places until you reach Dobate.

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

Trekking distance: (8-9 km)

Accommodation: Teahouse

Today is the last opportunity to witness the magnificent vistas of the tall mountains, especially Kangchenjunga. At 4170m, you will start your ascent to the Keke La, which should take you around 1.5 hours. Your highest peak today, the Shipton La at 4200m, is another 1.5 hours away. You will reach the huge cairn that marks Sano Pokhari Danda at 4,105m after another hour and two of winding around the mountainside. You return to the final pass, the Khongma La at 3,890m, which is identified by a mani wall, after another hour of undulations. You descend for around 250 meters, mostly down stone steps, before arriving at Khongma. It takes about two hours to descend from Khongma to Danda Kharka. The final 2.5 hours are spent on the descent to Tashigaon.

Trekking time: 7-8 hours

Trekking distance: 12-15 km

Accommodation: Hotel

The descending leg of your trek continues, and you will be losing more altitude than you did yesterday. You'll finish our hiking for the day with a short trip to Murmidanda/Chaksya Danda and a gentle descent to Seduwa, passing through the cloud forest, numerous long and steep sections, paths damaged by landslides, multiple bustling communities, and beautiful surroundings. Continue to sleep in Seduwa.

Trekking time: 4-5 hours

Trekking distance: 5-7 km

Accommodation: Hotel

The majority of the stone stairs that descends to Arun River are long and fairly steep. As you descend deeper into the jungle, it will feel incredibly warm. After crossing the river, you must climb 200 meters to get back to Changla Kharka. You can hire a jeep/sumo to Num from this point. You can now give yourself a pat on the back for successfully completing one of the most difficult but worthwhile treks.

Trekking time: 5-6 hours

Trekking distance: 8-9 km

Accommodation: Hotel/Lodge

After early breakfast, you will drive to Tumlingtar to get your return flight to Kathmandu. Our representative will meet you and drive you to your accommodation. You have the remainder of the day to unwind and recover from your efforts. Pack your belongings and get everything ready because we are leaving for Kathmandu tomorrow. Overnight in Tumlingtar.

Drive time: 6-7 hours

Trekking distance: 0 km

Accommodation: Hotel/Lodge

After your trip to Makalu Base Camp in the mountains, you will fly back to Kathmandu if the weather is clear and visible. At your hotel, you may unwind and take a break throughout the day, or we can communicate with the people we worship. With a farewell supper in the evening, you can celebrate your successful and off-the-beaten-path hiking in Nepal to the Makalu base camp and back. After landing in Kathmandu, you can do some shopping and enjoy your time exploring other areas nearby. We will provide a successful celebration dinner at a restaurant nearby. 

Flight time: 55 min – 75 min

Mission accomplished! 

What's Included

  • All the transportation during the trek.
  • Flight from Kathmandu – Tumlingtar round trip.
  • Accommodation during the trek.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • 3-star hotels with B and B.
  • Professional and Licensed English speaking Guide.
  • UNESCO site entrance fees in Kathmandu.
  • Porters to carry your luggage during the trek (1 porter for 2 Persons), their wages, medicine, insurance and necessary equipment.
  • All necessary Permits & TIMS cards (Trekker’s information management system).
  • Makalu Rural Municipality Permit.
  • Travel & Rescue arrangements.
  • Farewell dinner in Authentic Nepali Restaurant and gifts.
  • All our government taxes, vat, official expenses & service charges

What's Excludes

  • All personal expenses.
  • Personal clothing, gears, sleeping bag and other necessary items.
  • Tipping guides and porters.
  • Cost raised by flight cancelation, emergency rescue charges, landslide, weather, political unrest, illness, re-routing etc which are not under our control
  • Personal food consumption.
  • International Flight, Airport tax and Nepal Visa fee

Useful Info


Trekking in the Himalayas is not always fun. Makalu Base Camp is a very remote area of Nepal. Our government has designed many protocols to make sure on safety of our tourists but sometimes it is really hard to prevent risk. Due to few transportation options in Nepal, the only fastest way to rescue anyone from the mountain is a Helicopter which could be very expensive. Therefore, we would like you to get insured through a trustworthy insurance company just to be safe. Make sure you are insured with helicopter rescue, medical injuries and any other emergency issues. We would highly recommend you carry a copy of your insurance and send one to us just in case of any emergencies.

Gears needed:

Shoe: Pair of exceptionally good hiking boots and sandals

Clothes:  Thermals, down jacket, wind and rainproof jackets, trekking pants, sports t-shirt, fleece, warm gloves, towels, winter hat, Inner garments, shorts, and a few pairs of good socks.

Accessories: Good trekking bag backpack, sunglasses, water bottle, water purifier, sunscreen, lip balm, Swiss pocket knife.

Equipment: Sleeping bags upto - 20 degrees celsius, duffel bag, hiking poles

Medicine: First-Aid Kit, Altitude sickness medicines (eg. diamox), bug spray.

Bring all these essential gear with you about the checklist. If you want to buy it in Kathmandu, there are multiple places here as well. Ask us if you want a better place to buy or rent gear.

Physical fitness: Trekking to Makalu Base Camp is a physically demanding activity, and it requires a good level of physical fitness. One should engage in regular cardiovascular and strength-building exercises for at least a few months before embarking on the trek. Exercises such as hiking, running, cycling, and strength training will help prepare the body for the rigors of trekking.

Adequate acclimatization: Acclimatization is the process of adapting to high altitudes. As you trek higher, the air becomes thinner, and the body needs time to adjust. Adequate acclimatization is essential to prevent altitude sickness, a potentially fatal condition. It is recommended to spend a few days at lower altitudes to allow the body to acclimatize before climbing higher.

A knowledgeable guide: Trekking to Makalu Base Camp is a challenging activity, and having a knowledgeable guide is essential for success. A guide will help navigate the route, provide information about the local culture, and assist in case of any emergencies. It is important to choose a guide who is experienced and knowledgeable about the trek.

Proper nutrition and hydration: Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for maintaining energy levels and preventing altitude sickness. It is recommended to consume a high carbohydrate and protein-rich diet to provide the necessary fuel for the body. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. It is recommended to carry a water purification system or tablets to ensure access to clean water.

Proper permits: Trekking to Makalu Base Camp requires proper permits. There are several permits required, including the Makalu Baron National Park Permit, Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card. It is important to obtain these permits before embarking on the trek.

Mental preparation: Trekking to Makalu Base Camp is a mentally challenging activity. It requires patience, perseverance, and mental toughness. It is important to be mentally prepared for challenges and to have a positive attitude. It is also important to be aware of the risks and to take appropriate precautions.

Basic first aid knowledge: Basic first aid knowledge is essential for trekking to Makalu Base Camp. It is important to know how to treat common injuries and illnesses, such as blisters, altitude sickness, and hypothermia. It is recommended to carry a basic first aid kit with essential items such as bandages, antiseptic, and pain relievers.

Respect for the environment and local culture: Trekking to a very rural and unique region of Eastern Nepal to Makalu Base Camp is an opportunity to experience the local culture and environment. It is important to show respect for the local culture and customs and to minimize the impact on the environment.

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