Welcome to Hit The Himalaya

“Unleash the wilderness within; uncover your inner self, Understand the joy of living through adventure.”

‘If Happiness is your goal- and it should be, then adventure should be a priority’, says Richard Branson. If you are a travel freak, a nature lover and an adventurer Nepal must be on your bucket list. Nepal is a country in the Himalayas and home to eight of the world’s ten tallest mountains including Mount Everest- the crown of the world. Diverse geography, including fertile land, subalpine forested hills, National Parks, Wildlife Reserves, Conservation Areas, Hunting reserves and lakes situated at high altitudes surrounded by the Himalayas, makes Nepal a perfect destination for adventure seekers.

We offer you an adventure of a lifetime with a well-experienced and dedicated team to the fullest extent while discovering your inner self. Tell us what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life. Drink the wild air, live in the sunshine, wander in the region of the Himalayas, and make it happen in Nepal with Hit The Himalaya.

Why Choose Us?

What makes us different? We think out of the box. We are driven by Motivation. We deliver you the experience of travel through your senses.

  1. Sight: People, culture, nature, historical monuments, festivals, colour, wildlife.
  2. Sound: Namaste, Dhanyabad(Thank you), 125 different languages, 200 traditional instruments and the sound of nature.
  3. Taste: Himalayan, Newari, Thakali, Khas, Lohorung, Limbu, Terai cuisine and so many more.
  4. Touch: Pashmina, local handicraft, a gentle touch of nature.
  5. Smell: Freshness of nature and aromas of Food.

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